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Preschool Curriculum
Our preschool curriculum is based on the Montessori Method of Education, which is divided into five main areas;
Practical Life
The exercises carried out by children in the Montessori class room gives them the opportunity to imitate adults as they carry out their daily tasks that adults consider ordinary. These activities include sweeping, washing, dressing up, arranging, polishing, food preparation and so on. These exercises are designed to develop the child’s independence and self esteem allowing the children to do things themselves. The preschool exercises also help the children to develop sense of order, focus, concentration, sequential memory, eye for detail and all fundamental details for further learning. And above all, the children gradually learn to work independent of the adult.
Sensorial Exercises
The refinement of the sense is the key to developing a child’s intellect and
a reasoning mind. The sensorial materials help the child to distinguish, categorize, and use their senses to build a knowledge and understanding of their world. It helps the child to develop awareness and refinement of the senses acquire detailed knowledge about size, shape, weight, colour, sounds and textures. Sensorial materials help to lay a power foundation of understanding subjects like Mathematics, Geometry and scientific skill in the future.
Children are helped to become fluent readers with a strong foundation in phonics. This starts at a very young age as early as two years old when the child begins to play the 1 Spy Game, participate in story, poetry and song in groups and begin to explore the sand paper letters. As the child begins to read and gain confidence in this area, he is helped to develop story writing skills and introduced to concepts of grammar so that he can appreciate and understand the English language. As his knowledge and understanding of English language deepens he is exposed to a wider range of literature, factual texts, poetry and free composition.
The Montessori Maths materials help the child assimilate mathematical skills and facts. They help the child to gradually move towards abstraction of mathematical concepts and take the drudgery and drill out of mathematical work. The children use the graded materials to carry out simple operations in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The Montessori math materials help the child assimilate mathematical skills and facts. They help the child to gradually move towards abstraction of mathematical concepts and take the drudgery and drill out of mathematical work. The children use the graded materials to carry out simple operations in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
The Cultural curriculum in a Montessori environment covers the following topics:
- Geography
- History
- Botany
- Zoology
- Music
- Art
These are the subjects that give children information about their lives and cultures of peoples all over the earth. By learning about different cultures, children begin to learn to value and respect all people. The study of culture becomes the basis for developing understanding and compassion for one another, and for celebrating the diversity of the human race. The child is given a sensorial introduction to physical and cultural geography through the use of puzzle maps. Then gradually he will learn the names of continents, countries, rivers, mountain and a grasp of the cultures of others lands. Zoology and Botany activities are nature based and include the study of the vertebrate and invertebrate animals and a variety of plants. Science activities include simple experiments that will help the child understand the world around him.

About Montessori
Montessori Method of Education was developed by Dr Maria Montessori an Italian and the first Female Doctor in the 1920’s. According to her, the child has a spontaneous urge to learn and does best by doing and not by passively accepting other peoples ideas and pre-existing knowledge. She discovered that each child has within him what is needed to learn and simply needs a carefully prepared environment that is designed to meet his needs, interest and abilities and provide an aid to his development.
Hence, Montessori Method emphasized a holistic education, which included the intellectual, physical, social, emotional and moral development of the child. Dr Maria Montessori’s developmental approach to the child education has met with resounding success with children all over the world, thus confirming her belief that children’s developmental needs are universal.
The child in a Montessori classroom is not pushed to intellectual accomplishment. What is opened out to him is the world and he is given the keys to its exploration through the sensorial materials which are aids to the classification and organization of the impressions that his mind must already hold.
It is the real world that we give to him not the world of fantasy and make believe, because it is in that real world that he is going to have to live, if he is not to become a confused being. How can one learn through group play what it means to be a Mother, Father, Space Pilot, when one does not yet know what it means to be one’s self.
The children in a Montessori class are given the freedom, that is the liberty of human being and this freedom allows them to grow in social grace, inner discipline and joy. These are the birthright of the human being who has been allowed to develop essential human qualities.
The absorbent mind and its functioning, the sensitive periods of development, the importance of repetition, the need of the prepared environment, liberty leading to inner discipline, concentration, joy in work and social development. These principles of the Montessori Method have shown it to be universally applicable. It is because the principles are applied to an individual, not to a class of children, that there is continual possibility of development for each child according to his own rhythm of progress and to his own individual potentiality.

Masters Ville
Masters Ville School, established in July 2004 by Mrs Abimbola Oyefeso, is a co-educational day & boarding school commited to providing the best quality education to young scholars.
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